Friday, October 2, 2015

Free Shoot Planning

  1. Post an example of the type of photography that you want to emulate? 
  2. What is your subject? flowers
  3. Where will you shoot it? outside 
  4. Indoors or outdoors? outdoors
  5. What time of day? afternoon 
  6. What type of lighting? mostly sunny
  7. What equipment will you need camera flowers
  8. How many photos will your shoot result in (minimum 3)? like 10

Grading Criteria:

1. All images maximally support the idea or concept of the shoot. Images have a clear subject and communicate a story.

2. The work utilizes the camera in a way that seeks to reveal or discover the nature of the subject at hand by using point-of-view (interesting angles), depth-of-field, shutter speed, etc.

3. The work demonstrates mastery over image composition (clean backgrounds, balance, patterns, etc.).

4. Utilizes light effectively in creating mood or meaning in the photographs.

5. Work contains evidence of inventive conceptual and/or technical problem-solving in support of the artistic concept.

6. Work is free of unintentional technical mistakes in exposure, mergers and other distracting objects in frame.

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